The electric guitar, alongside movies, is the love of my life. It is perpetually comforting; providing a sense of safety, security, and shadow, while also providing empowerment. Allow me to explain in detail.*INSERT SILENCE HERE*
Plot Twist: You cannot explain the magical symphonies of the electric guitar. Even if you sat down and tried to describe the inner workings of the electric guitar while listening to it (like me) you would not be able to write down what you are listening to. You become too invested in the sound; you are absorbed and become incapable of being literate. You don't dare utter word. You don't dare type a single letter. You only listen and devour the beauty. You allow the melodies to provide a sense of safety, security and shadow as you sit in silence. A comfortable silence.
Pulp Fiction (1994)
The fear of drowning is 'Aquaphobia.' I do not carry this fear. Let me drown in the musical styling of the 70s as it swims and flows through my ears and floods my body with tidal waves of harmonies.
{I do not own these pictures}